• Mg Optima™ Relax contains evidenced-based ingredients that are indicated to promote relaxation during times of stress.
    This product is Practitioner Grade. Consult your health professional before use.
    Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.

    More Product Information

    Mg Optima™ Relax contains highly absorbable Albion® magnesium bisglycinate combined with ingredients that may support the natural metabolic pathways for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) production to promote relaxation during times of stress. Mg Optima™ Relax may help to reduce the effects of mild anxiety and nervous tension and provide relief from muscular aches and pains.
    Dairy and gluten free. Suitable for vegetarians. No artificial colours, flavours or sweeteners.
    ProductMedlab Mg Optima Relax™ Lemon & Lime 300 g
    CategorySleep & De-stress
    Dosage FormPowder, oral

    Directions and Ingredients

    Add 5g (1 scoop) to 100-200 mL of cold water or juice, one (1) to two (2) times per day, or as directed by your health professional.

    Camellia sinensis,glutamine,magnesium amino acid chelate,pyridoxal 5-phosphate monohydrate,zinc citrate dihydrate

    Warnings and Disclaimers

    Contains less than 15mg caffeine per 5 g dose.
    This product is Practitioner Grade. It is strongly recommended you consult a healthcare practitioner before use. You can contact Priceline Pharmacy practitioners for product advice.

    Vitamins and supplements may be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
    All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that ingredient listings, product images and other information for products displayed on this website are up to date, accurate and complete. However, we still recommend that you please check the ingredient listings on a product before use.