Realize the most tasty and smelling food that is already in your imagination.

Elephant garlic is a perennial planting belonging to the genus onion, fresh organic. 

Garlic elephant and a variant of leeks from the garden.

The garlic has a tall solid and flowery stem and broad, flat leves, very similar to those of leeks.

The fomrs a bulb composed of very large garlic cloves.

The favor is milder also used raw as in salads.

Cheap freh elephant garlic mix cloves and bulbs seeds ready to planting easy grow # GWS01YN.

Elephant garlic prefers a long, cool growing season and is best planted in early fall.


-3 ounces hardiness 

-Zones: 3-9 softneck variety size (H xW)3'X6-10" 

-Soil:well- drained, plenty of organic matter sun 

-Exposure: full sun asing elephant garlic