We know how hectic planning a wedding can be; therefore, we have introduced the most significant of all binders, the UniKeep Wedding Planning Binder Kit. It’s worth spending your money on. 

Wedding day is the most important day in anyone’s life. Considering its importance and the needs of bride, we have prepared a reliable Wedding Planning Binder for you. It will help you take care of each and every wedding task step by step; be it the arrangement of your wedding gown or the budget required to get everything done. 

It’s a fully enclosed binder that has the capacity to hold 260 to 280 sheets. It contains content pages for your guidance, has page protectors to secure your important wedding papers, contact pages for you to pen down your contact list, photo protectors to save your precious pre-wedding moments, and divider tabs to organize each phase differently. This polypropylene made binder is a product of USA and comes in two beautiful designs. 

Digitally printed binder has list and schedule pages you must follow to well-organize your wedding.