Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox IconAVAILABLE

Exact replica of the prototype Orthodox icon of Saint Sophia. It is made of natural linden wood, prepared according to the requirements of traditional techniques and materials. This icon is available in a coloured background and it is possible to choose between 2 size dimensions.

Saint Sofia's Life

Saint Sophia, who is also referred to as Sophia the Martyr, was alive during the early days of the Christian Church. It is unknown of when exactly she was born, but we do know that she resided in Italy. She is mostly associated with her three daughters and the fact that she was a widow. She was a strong Christian and when her children were born, she named them after the three virtues that are mentioned in the Bible – Faith, Hope, and Love. They were all alive during a time when the Emperor Hadrian regularly tortured Christians in order to prevent the spread of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Despite this, her whole family were Christians.

Saint Sophia and her daughters didn’t hide their religion. Antiochus, a Roman official, told the Emperor Hadrian that Sophia and her daughters were Christians.

Knowing that they were to be brought to the emperor, they prayed to Jesus Christ for strength. Hadrian told them to denounce their religion during this meeting, and all four of them stayed true to their beliefs.

As a result of this, all three of the girls were tortured in gruesome ways. Hadrian’s hope is that this would then persuade Sophia to turn her back on Christ. She didn’t. She took her daughters’ bodies, buried them, and stayed by their graves until she perished. Saint Sophia’s name day is on September 17th of each year.