A new book published in December 2020.

It is a comprehensive list of watch and clock makers working in, or connected to, Northern Ireland.  It also gives details of apprentices, journeymen and employees, together with allied trades like watch glass makers and grinders, dial makers and brass founders, scientific instrument makers, etc.  In all it lists over 2,300 entries, covering the period from 1622 to around 1900.

It allows for the more accurate dating of a Northern Irish antique grandfather clock, bracket clock, barometer, verge or lever pocket watch.  However, it is more than just a list of names and dates.  It provides biographical details of many of the people listed in the book.  It tries to put the person in their social setting giving details of marriages, children, disputes, family connections, court cases, bankruptcies, who worked for whom, where people served their time and much more.

It is not just a reference book.  It can be dipped into and out of, giving fascinating insights into the Northern Irish horological trade and those involved in it.

It is a substantial publication running to 350 pages with over 100 colour photographs of clocks and watches.