Amazon NEW best seller book non fiction - Family Story Across 5 decades.

Sheri Hoyte, Managing Editor, ReaderReviews"if you haven't read Moe Fields, I highly recommend you pick up acopy. Easily one of my favorites this year!" This podcast interview willgive you some behind the scenes insight on the writing of Moe Fields - thespecial bond between fathers and sons. Podcast on...


Moe Fields and Growing Up During theDepression

Returning From War - Starting a NewBusiness and a Family

Overcoming Adversity

The Role of a Father

A Story for Future Generations

Moe Fields: The Special Bond BetweenFathers and Sons

 Moe Fields (aka Murray Goldman), isa gripping narrative about a father's fighting spirit and determination to savehis family and inspire his sons to succeed.

Goldstein applies his gift ofstorytelling to bring us the story of Moe Fields, growing up during the GreatDepression - from his teens as a Golden Gloves boxer, to his career as aBootleg fighter in Brooklyn for money, to being a WWII sailor whose most pridefulmoment was singled out by FDR, to overcoming prejudice and building one of thelarge plumbing businesses in New Jersey.

 When a health crisis hits Moe, andlater, a drunk driver causes a horrific car accident, crippling his wife, theyare both left to deal with a lifetime of disabilities. But Moe digs deep toturn tragedy into triumph.

 We all have our Moe Fields. Thistreasure of a book is a poignant and thought-provoking memoir that captures theenduring power of role models in our lives.

Goldstein has written alife-affirming story that's hard to put down-and hard not to talk about.

 At a time when we need heroes, thisbook celebrates the strength of family, faith-and the enduring legacy we leaveour children.