Blackwood African (Botanical: Dalbergia melanoxylon)

Blackwood Characteristics

Very nice to work and polish, but also very hard. Takes an exceptional polish and is the Turning Wood of Kings for nothing holds fine detail as well as African Blackwood.  A Heavy and Hard wood with a moderate workability.

Color Range

Heartwood is dark purple-black/brown with dark black streaks and the sapwood is creamy white.

Other Names

African blackwood, African ebony, African grenadilo, Banbanus, Ebene, Grenadilla, Grenadille d'Afrique, Mpingo, Mufunjo, Mugembe, Mukelete, Pau preto, Poyi

Typical Use:

Musical instruments turning, inlay, and accents.

Tree Characteristics:

The small tree develops more than a single stem, and typically grows to a height of 15 to 20 feet. The bole is often short, fluted, and rarely cylindrical, with diameters that are seldom more than 12.

Blackwood African grows:
