The Linking Ring – 1939 March

The Official Organ of the International Brotherhood of Magicians

Cover – Dr. Kenneth F. Lowry

Articles – The Autobiography of an Amateur Magician by Dr. Henry R. Evans (Continued from February issue); From the Dealers’ Shelves by John Braun; As I Gaze Into The Crystal by M. S. Mahendra (The Mentalist); Have A Card by T. J. Crawford; Magic In The Air by Alvin Richard Plough; Bob’s This ‘N That by Bob Weill; Chemical Magic by Dr. WM. M. Endlich (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania); Uncle Tom’s Gabbin’ by Uncle Tom Bowyer; My Pet Effects by Harold R. Rice; Speaking of Tricks by Stewart James; The Magic of Cookery by M. S. Mahendra; Department of Magic by WM. Larson; and much more.

Pages – 1 through 84 plus cover

Condition – Very good with incredibly white pages, two rusty staples, cover detached from insides, no writing or other markings inside.  See photographs.