A pretty piece of jewellery with additional benefit of healing qualities.

Each chakra is associated with specific colours and crystals, and they govern different aspects of human emotion and behaviour.  Using gemstones with the chakras can have a great healing effect.  Wearing 7 chakra jewellery is an excellent way of balancing your chakras and bringing them into alignment.  Or you can wear healing jewellery that targets specific chakras on their own.

Colours relating to each Chakra are:

Red – Root chakra (1st) 

Orange – Sacral chakra (2nd)

Yellow – Solar Plexus chakra (3rd)

Green – Heart chakra (4th)

Blue (sapphire blue or turquoise) – Throat chakra (5th)

Purple (or deep indigo) – Third Eye chakra (6th)

White (sometimes purplish white) – Crown chakra (7th)

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Amethyst - Spirituality, transformation, protection, cleansing, promotes happiness and spiritual awareness, excellent for meditation, helps with sleep and absorbs negativity. In old times the Greek believed this stone helped against drinking and toxins. 6th and 7th chakras

Carnelian - Action and movement, personal power, concentration, courage, self-confidence and determination. Focus on the present moment. Chakra: 2nd

Tigers Eye - Helps people become more practical. Bring optimism that conducts to success. Balances energy yin and yang. Protects against negativity, reflecting it back to origin. Aids in the ability to discern evil. Chakra: 1st and 3rd

Turquoise - Relationship, self-knowledge. Improves meditation, circulation and spirit condition. Its color is said to change when the user has a health problem. It’s also said to act directly in the skin cells, softening and rejuvenating them. Sacred for the Tibetan Buddhists for whom it symbolizes the sea (depth of the soul) and the sky (unlimited ascension). Chakra: 5th

Goldstone - Known as the Stone of Ambition, Goldstone can help you achieve your goals with persistence and determination. No goal is too big or too small with Goldstone. When you decide that you want to achieve something, Goldstone’s energies will work with you to make it happen!

Unakite - A much understated crystal: the colours resemble the heart chakra and the root chakra together. The pink in the crystal resonates to both the core of the earthy heart and the upper part of the root chakra. Unakite helps with the re birthing of the heart. It provides a means of shedding the past and planting seeds for the new. It helps one the shed the old just as the snake sheds its skin, unakite helps to shed lingering emotional baggage. In addition it provides an earthy view for love and relationships, practical two way relationships.. helping one the seek a relationship worth having. There are many other benefits linked to the crystal: Stress relief, Heart regulation, skin problems. Also thought to help in business relationships.

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