Britannica Great Books of the Western World DVD COMPLETE SET EPUB MOBI(Kindle)

Britannica Great Books of the Western World DVD COMPLETE SET EPUB MOBI(Kindle)

New DVD in a Red Sleeve

Books are in 2 formats EPUB/MOBI

1. The Syntopicon: An Index to the Great Ideas

2. The Syntopicon (cont.)

3. Homer, The Iliad, The Odyssey

4. Aeschylus, Plays

    Sophocles, Plays

    Euripides, Plays

    Aristophanes, Plays

5. Herodotus, The History of the Persian Wars

    Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War

6. Plato, Dialogues, The Seventh Letter

7. Aristotle, Works

8. Aristotle, Works (cont.)

9. Hippocrates, Works

    Galen, On the Natural Faculties

10. Euclid, Elements

      Archimedes, Works

      Nicomachus, Introduction to Arithmetic

11. Lucretius, The Way Things Are

      Epictetus, Discourses

      Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

      Plotinus, The Six Enneads

12. Virgil, Eclogues, Georgics, The Aeneid

13. Plutarch, The Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans

14. Tacitus, The Annals, The Histories

15. Ptolemy, The Almagest

      Nicolaus Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres

      Johannes Kepler, Epitome of Copernican Astronomy (Books IV-V), The Harmonies of the World (Book V)

16. Saint Augustine, The Confessions, The City of God, On Christian Doctrine

17. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica

18. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica (cont.)

19. Dante, The Divine Comedy

      Geoffrey Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde, The Canterbury Tales

20. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion

21. Nicolo Machiavelli, The Prince

      Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan

22. François Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel

23. Desiderius Erasmus, Praise of Folly

      Michel de Montaigne, Essays

24. William Shakespeare, Plays

25. William Shakespeare, Plays (cont.), Sonnets

26. William Gilbert, On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies

      Galileo, Dialogues Concerning the Two New Sciences

      William Harvey, On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals, On the Circulation of the Blood,

           On the Generation of Animals

27. Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

28. Francis Bacon, Advancement of Learning, Novum Organum, New Atlantis

      René Descartes, Rules for the Direction of the Mind, Discourse on the Method, Meditations on First Philosophy,

           Objections Against the Meditations and Replies, The Geometry

      Benedict de Spinoza, Ethics

29. John Milton, English Minor Poems, Paradise Lost, Samson Agonistes, Areopagitica

30. Blaise Pascal, The Provincial Letters, Pensées, Scientific Treatises

31. Molière, The School for Wives, The Critique of the School for Wives, Tartuffe, Don Juan, The Miser,

           The Would-Be Gentleman, The Would-Be Invalid

      Jean Racine, Berenice, Phaedra

32. Isaac Newton, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, Optics

      Christiaan Huygens, Treatise on Light

33. John Locke, A Letter Concerning Toleration, Second Essay on Civil Government, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

      George Berkeley, The Principles of Human Knowledge

      David Hume, An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

34. Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels

      Voltaire, Candide

      Denis Diderot, Rameau’s Nephew

35. Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws

      Jean-Jacques Rousseau, A Discourse on the Origin of Inequality, A Discourse on Political Economy, The Social Contract

36. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations

37. Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

38. Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (cont.)

39. Immanuel Kant, The Critique of Pure Reason, Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Morals, The Critique of Practical

           Reason, Preface and Introduction to the Metaphysical Elements of Ethics, General Introduction to the Metaphysic of Morals,

           The Science of Right, The Critique of Judgment

40. American State Papers (Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution of the United States of America)

      Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, The Federalist Papers

      John Stuart Mill, On Liberty, Representative Government, Utilitarianism

41. James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson

42. Antoine Lavoisier, Elements of Chemistry

      Michael Faraday, Experimental Researches in Electricity

43. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Philosophy of Right, The Philosophy of History

      Soren Kierkegaard, Fear and Trembling

      Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

44. Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

45. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust

      Honoré de Balzac, Cousin Bette

46. Jane Austen, Emma

      George Eliot, Middlemarch

47. Charles Dickens, Little Dorrit

48. Herman Melville, Moby Dick

      Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn

49. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, The Descent of Man

50. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Manifesto of the Communist Party

      Karl Marx, Capital (Vol. 1)

51. Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

52. Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

      Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House, The Wild Duck, Hedda Gabler, The Master Builder

53. William James, The Principles of Psychology

54. Sigmund Freud, Major Works (including Selected Papers on Hysteria, The Interpretation of Dreams, A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, Civilization and Its Discontents, New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis)
