A custom bundle of vintage Sawyer's View-Master items including 1) a 1942 3-Dimension View-Master Viewer (Model E) with the original operating instruction card in both English and Spanish; 2) Seven (7) View-Master 3-Dimension FAIRY TALES Series Reels (see list below); and 3) an original View-Master gift-pak box.  The seven reels include the original companion storybook pamphlets from the FAIRY TALES series:

1. FT. 1 - Little Red Riding Hood (1946);
2. FT. 2 - Hansel and Gretel (1946);
3. FT. 3 - Jack and the Beanstalk (1946);
4. FT. 4 - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1946);
5. FT. 5 - Cinderella and the Glass Slipper (1946);
6. FT. 8 - Little Black Sambo (1948); and 
7. FT. 9 - The Ugly Duckling (1948).