Revival's Symphony Paperback Book

Revival's Symphony Paperback Book

Our history is rich with accounts of revival. The British Isles have experienced many amazing moves of God that have impacted our own shores and those far beyond. Whilst remaining keenly aware that there are differing definitions and opinions regarding what constitutes 'revival', author and respected revival researcher/historian Andy Smithyman explores the threads common to all revivals and looks at how they subtly and seamlessly work together to create culture change. Likening a revival to a musical symphony, Andy presents the individual 'notes' that harmonise together to form the whole. From it we learn the essential ingredients that all would-be revivalists must focus on - including some elements which may surprise some. Andy describes this book as, 'An attempt to capture the awe of Heaven's handprint upon the land... I pray that the words that have been crafted give honour to what I term revival's 'intricate living symphony': an organic movement of astounding majesty between the Lord of Creation and creation itself ' where one recognises specific notes played, yet we continually discover new tones of Heaven's love.' 224 pages