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We are selling up to 20-25cm tall plants 

Flowers usually first appear in the second year of growth and annually thereafter. Bloom Time: June to September

Pollination is not necessary for bananas to produce fruit. Banana trees that are at least 1 year old and protected from frost may produce false bananas. The flowers of banana trees require no pollination. Pollinated flowers actually produce dry fruit full of seed and lacking pulp

Banana Musa lasiocarpa is one of the toughest ornamental banana trees in the UK. When mature will expose an amazing yellow rosette flowering plant. The flower can last for up to 9 months! 

Large, paddle shaped, green banana plant leaves have red blotches, creating an architectural focal point.

It’s a shorter version of the other banana plants, reaching about 5-6 feet maximum. It’s an ideal plant to be kept in pot. It’s tolerant to any situation from shade to full sun when fully matured. 

As any other banana, your banana plant  require a fairly moist soil (however, not boggy)  feed with a slow release fertiliser if kept in  pot at least 2 months after purchase.   After delivery keep this plant indoor for at least 1 month on the sunny window  then place in the quite draft free shady place for 2 weeks  before expose to the half shady area to avoid sun burns as young plant is very delicate with almost  transparent stem. Please use raining water with 1 drop of honey every week when kept indoor.

You can expect young plant