This is a listing for Lot of 26 Robert E. Vardeman Vintage Paperback. The books are all in good condition. Please refer to the pictures for what will be received.

Books included:

*The Weapons of Chaos - 2 books

- Colors of Chaos, Equations of Chaos

*Swords of Raemllyn - 5 books 

- To Demons Bound, A Yoke of Magic, Death's Acolyte, The Beasts of the Mist, For Crown & Kingdom

*Masters of Space - 3 books

- The Stellar Death Plan, The Alien Web, A Plague in Paradise

*Cenotaph Road - 4 books

- The Sorcerer's Skull, World of Mazes, Iron Tongue, Fire & Fog

*Keys to Paradise - 2 books

- Key of Ice & Steel, The Skeleton Lord's Key

*The Jade Demons - 4 books

- The Quaking Lands, The Frozen Waves, The Crystal Clouds, The White Fire

*The War of Powers - 6 books

- The Sundered Realm, The City in the Glacier, The Destiny Stone, The Fallen Ones, In the Shadow of Omizantrim, Demon of the Dark Ones