Alien / Alien vs Predator / Predator 
3 Disc DVD Set
Very Good Condition 
Region 4
In space no one can hear you scream. The terror begins when the crew of a spaceship investigates a transmission from a desolate planet, and discovers a life form that is perfectly evolved to annihilate mankind. Sigourney Weaver stars as the iron-willed Ripley, who is destined to battle the galaxy's ultimate creature.
Alien Vs Predator : An expedition of archaeologists on Earth discover an Aztec temple hidden under the Antarctic circle, housing a host of Alien creatures. A group of five coming-of-age Predators have also come to the temple, as it has long been a training ground for their race. From there on, it's Aliens vs. Predators, with the humans caught in the middle.
Predator : Arnold Schwarzenegger plays Dutch who wages all-out war against an unseen enemy, a force more powerful and deadly than any on Earth – because it’s not of this Earth. When a crack team of commandos undertakes a covert mission in Central America, they have no way of knowing they’ve wandered into the hunting ground of a creature more powerful than even their fiercest weapons. As they are picked off one by one, each more horrific than the last, their leader (Schwarzenegger) races against time to defeat an undefeatable enemy!