Package includes items that is listed in image and title:

Please include contact info: Message to Seller option/Buyer Note. If option is not available, please contact me.

Contact me for any questions.

Pro Guide Includes: 

7000 Donuts

- 50m Cash 

- Land expansion pack (All land unlocked in both plots) 

- 100k XP 

- 10 Total Unlocks

If you’d like a different amount let me know. Please send a message.

Android & IOS Compatible.

More than 2.4k sales, others are using a cheap $5 emulator you can get for FREE and offers no security. EA has knows about these amateurs and shadow b@ns these affected users when they catch them, don't risk going with these copy cats that click 2 buttons and pretend they're doing something, I'm the only one that offers precautions, German secure server, Linux level encryption and LIFETIME WARRANTY.