Methods of application
The duration of the session, ie the time of action on the skin of the applicator, determines the desired effect:

for toning, anesthesia for acute severe pain, to increase efficiency and blood pressure in hypotension - 7-10 minutes;
for relaxation, relief of long-term chronic pain, lowering blood pressure, soporific effect - 15-30 minutes.
An important condition for successful treatment and the absence of discomfort is the correct placement on the applicator, in which the relatively uncomfortable sensations of the first five minutes turn into a feeling of pleasant warmth, vibration, pulsation, often culminating in a healthy sleep.

To properly lie on the applicator, it is necessary to most accurately model the curves of the spine with the help of properly stacked pillows and rolled terry towels.

If the discomfort lasts for 10-15 minutes, the applicator should be removed and used only after 5-10 hours or the next day. The causes of discomfort can be improper application of the device, ie uneven load on the needles, slipping out of it, accompanied by skin damage. To eliminate these phenomena, rise above the applicator and descend on it again, placing a soft roller under the knee joints. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks. The course can be repeated in 2-4 weeks. There is a positive practical experience of long-term, several months of daily use of the applicator.

Material of the basis of rubber for medical purposes
The composition of needle iron, copper, nickel, zinc, silver