3 Tokens Hotel 'Platin' in Tel Aviv 1920's 1930's
The Palatin Hotel was built at the corner of Ahad Ha'am and Allenby streets, and when it opened in 1926 it was considered the most central, innovative and luxurious hotel in the city. The hotel was established by Aharon Meir Mazia and his son-in-law, Zvi Isaacson,
 And was one of the most famous hotels in the country today the original building does not exist.
Platin Hotel issued tokens to hotel guests, all of whom have the same interior; In the center is depicted a small flower, and all around
The address HOTEL PALATIN. On the back side is the value, and next to it the letter P, which identifies the value as a Piaster,
And beneath it a large dot. Dots appear around the margins of both sides. Platinum Hotel Tokens
Made of bronze and exist in values ​​of 10, 5, 2, 1 Piester. The rare value is that of one and two Piasters.

The Picture (Photo) is for illustration only