Shine Bright
I Got to Find Somebody
They Don't Make 'em Like That
Life of the Party
What Would I Do Without You
When the Mardi Gras Is Over
Once in a Lifetime Thing
Pots and Pans
World Full of Love
I'm Glad I Did What I Did
Too Much for Me
Take a Little Louisiana
I Got to Find Somebody
They Don't Make 'Em Like That
Life of the Party
What Would I Do Without You
When the Mardi Gras Is Over
Once in a Lifetime Thing
Pots and Pans
World Full of Love
I'm Glad I Did What I Did
Too Much for Me
Take a Little Louisianna

Format: CD (1 Disc)

Country: USA

Release Date: 20 April, 2018


Dimensions: 12.5 x 1.2 x 14.1 centimeters (0.03 kg)