The Maid of the Mountains, A Musical Play in Three Acts. Produced at Daly's Theatre, London, Saturday, February 10th, 1917. Book by Frederick Lonsdale. Lyrics by Harry Graham. Additional Lyrics by F. Clifford Harris and Valentine... Additional Numbers by Jas. W. Tate. [Piano-vocal score]

Author: FRASER-SIMSON, Harold 1872-1944
Title: The Maid of the Mountains, A Musical Play in Three Acts. Produced at Daly's Theatre, London, Saturday, February 10th, 1917. Book by Frederick Lonsdale. Lyrics by Harry Graham. Additional Lyrics by F. Clifford Harris and Valentine... Additional Numbers by Jas. W. Tate. [Piano-vocal score]
Publication: London: Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew [PN 9777], 1917


Quarto. Publisher's light purple cloth with "Daly's Theatre Souvenir of The Maid of the Mountains Anniversary Feb. 11th, 1918." gilt, oval portrait inset to upper. 1f. (recto title, verso limitation statement), 1f. (recto named cast list, verso contents), 149, [i] (blank) pp.

Small composer's facsimile signature handstamp to title.

Binding slightly worn. Occasional creasing.

Limited Edition, with "This Souvenir Edition, of which this copy is No. [418] is strictly limited."

Seller ID: 28129

Subject: Printed Music

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