A collection of 19th century music for piano four-hands with German-American provenance

Author: [PIANO MUSIC - 19th Century - German-American]
Title: A collection of 19th century music for piano four-hands with German-American provenance


Some original, some arrangements of works for other forces, as follows:

- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 1756-1791
[K. 550, arr.]. Sinfonie ... arrangée Pour le Pianoforte à quatre mains. No. 2. Pr. 1 Rthlr. Leipsic: Breitkopf & Härtel [PN 3144], [ca. 1820]. [1] (title), 2-35, [i] (blank) pp. Lithographed. Signature and date in brown ink to lower right corner of title: "Samson Ruben Goldschmidt December 1825." Occasional notational corrections in pencil. Slightly to moderately foxed and soiled; dampstained at outer edge; lower and outer edges frayed, with slight loss, not affecting printed area; upper edge closely trimmed, with occasional loss to "Primo"/"Secondo" headers. A later edition. Not in Köchel 6, Hoboken, or Hirsch. RISM M5633. Samson Ruben Goldschmidt (1768-1841) was a banker and businessman in Kassel, Germany.

- Beethoven, Ludwig van 1770-1827
[Op. 20, arr.]. Grand Septuor ... arrangé Pour le Piano-Forte à quatre mains. Pr. 1 Rthlr. 12 Gr. Leipsic: Breitkopf & Härtel [PN 4066], [ca. 1824]. [1] (title), 2-47, [i] (blank) pp. Lithographed. Signature in brown ink to lower right corner of title: "Samson Ruben Goldschmidt." Fingering and occasional notational corrections in pencil. Slightly foxed and soiled; upper edge closely trimmed, with occasional loss to "Primo"/"Secondo" headers and pagination. A later edition. New Kinsky (2014) I p. 123 (ascribing arrangement to F. Mockwitz; first issue: 1815, with PN 2171). Not in Hoboken or Hirsch.

- Onslow, George 1784-1853
[Op. 7]. Grandes Sonates pour le Piano Forte à quatre mains ... No. 1 [no printed price]. Hambourg: A. Cranz [without PN], [before March 1827]. [1] (title), 2-31, [i] (blank) pp. Engraved. Signature and date in brown ink to lower right corner of title: "Samson Ruben Goldschmidt März 1827." Fingering and notational corrections in pencil. Several pages, including title, torn at spine and outer and lower edges; upper edge soiled and dampstained; some foxing; page 30 smudged. A later edition. Rare. Most copies by Cranz found in libraries are either later issue or Titelauflage. The first edition was published by Pleyel in Paris in 1815.

- Onslow
[Op. 22]. Second Grand Duo [=Sonata in F minor] pour le Piano Forte à quatre mains composé et dédié à Mr Hertz Senr. ... Op: 22. Prix 5 Frs. Bonn et Cologne: N. Simrock [PN 2244], [ca. 1824]. [1] (title), 2-37, [i] (blank) pp. Engraved. Signature and date in brown ink to lower right corner of title: "Samson Ruben Goldschmidt Oct[o]b[e]r 1826." Fingering, other performance-related annotations, and occasional notational corrections in pencil. Several pages, including title, torn at spine and edges, with loss to lower outer corner; pp. 3-4 with loss to music; small stain to lower edge of p. 19. First Edition. Rare. WorldCat (2 copies only, at the Bibliothèque nationale, Paris and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich).

- Weber, Carl Maria von 1786-1826
[WeV S.5; arr.]. Polonoise à quatre mains pour le Pianoforte ... Pr. 10 gl. Hambourg: A. Cranz [without PN], [before February 1826]. Engraved. 1f. (title), [i] (blank), [1] (blank), 2-11, [i] (blank) pp. Engraved. Signature and date in brown ink to lower right corner of title: "Samson Ruben Goldschmidt Februar 1826." Occasional notational corrections in pencil. Somewhat foxed and soiled; moderately dampstained at upper edge; ink stain to title. A later edition. Jähns 59 (arrangement ascribed to [Carl] Klage [1788-1850], with price "10 sgr"). Originally for piano, two hands.

- Weber
[WeV T.2] Six pièces à quatre Mains pour le Pianoforte ... Oe. X. Leipzig: Fred. Hofmeister [PN 275], [ca. [1820] (title), 2-19, [i] (blank) pp. Engraved. Signature in brown ink to lower right corner of title: "Samson Ruben Goldschmidt." Somewhat foxed and soiled; loss to lower outer corner throughout, affecting music on pp. 17-18; moderately dampstained at upper edge; occasional creasing, especially to final leaf; title and final leaf with stains and repairs. A later edition. Jähns 81-86 (lists two later Hofmeister editions with price in Neugroschen). Hoboken 15, 286 (most probably a Titelauflage as it displays Hofmeister's original plate number 275 preceded by the new number 1251).

The Weber pieces date from his time as court kapellmeister in Stuttgart. "The Six Pieces for Piano Duet, dated 27th November [1809] and dedicated 'à Leurs Altesses Sérénissimes Mesdames Marie et Amélie de Württemberg'. They are charming little pieces, each based on a simple melodic idea with characteristic accompaniment... both accessible to schoolgirl fingers and forming a neat introduction to various melodic manners." John Warrack: Carl Maria von Weber, p. 64.

Oblong folio. Brown quarter leather with marbled boards, two labels to upper lettered "J. Mosenthal" in manuscript. Signature "Joseph Mosenthal" in black ink to upper right corner of front endpaper; table of contents in Mosenthal's hand to upper left corner of front endpaper. "Joseph Mosenthal (1834-1896) was a German-American musician, born at Kassel. He studied under his father and Spohr and in 1853 went to America, where he played the organ in Calvary Church, New York City, from 1860 to 1887. He was conductor of the Mendelssohn Glee Club in New York City from 1867 to 1896, played a first violin in the Philharmonic Orchestra for 40 years, a second violin in the Mason and Thomas Quartet for 12, and composed much Church music, such as the psalm "The Earth is the Lord's", a setting of part of Psalm 145 (published in 1864), and part songs for male voices, Thanatopsis, Blest Pair of Sirens, and Music of the Sea. He died in New York City." Wikipedia.

Binding considerably worn with upper detached, spine lacking. Remnants of red sealing wax to front endpaper.

Seller ID: 25401

Subject: Printed Music

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