Bouquet a ma mère Romance ... gravée par Bouret

Author: RIEGER, Jean-Népomucène 1787-1828
Title: Bouquet a ma mère Romance ... gravée par Bouret
Publication: Paris: Sieber [PN Z 115], [1801-02]


Folio. [1] (title), 2-3, [i] (blank) pp. Engraved.

With text commencing "Avec quel ravisement ..."

Publisher's facsimile signature handstamp and partial bookseller's handstamps. In very good condition overall.

Rare. RISM R1398 (one copy only, in Stockholm).

"The French used the term 'romance' in the first half of the 18th century to denote a strophic poem recounting an ancient story of love and gallantry. Essential to the genre were the qualities of naturalness, simplicity and naivety. ...After 1830 the romance as a song type began to give way to the more dramatic mélodie. Several attempts to dramatize the romance (such as Le songe de Tartini which contains a virtuoso violin part) were unable to revitalize the genre. The most successful composers during this period were Antoine-Joseph Romagnési, Pauline Duchambge, Auguste Panseron, Loïsa Puget and Francesco Masini." Jack Sage et al. in Grove Music Online.

Seller ID: 36026

Subject: Printed Music

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