Ladbrooke Genuine Soil Block Maker - Micro 20, Made in England. Authorized Reseller. $29.9For Limited Time; Normally sells for $36.99.

Soil blockers are essential organic and eco-friendly gardening tools. The Micro 20 makes 20 - 3/4" soil blocks simultaneously, which fit inside the Mini 4, Multi 6 or Multi 12 soil blocks when fit with Cubic Inserts. Starting seeds in soil blocks is the most efficient and "green" way to start seeds. Soil blocks provide a high rate of germination and easy blooming. Help reduce our global waste by making soil blocks rather than using disposable plastic seed starting cells. Soil block are resistant to starts becoming root bound as roots stop growing naturally when they reach the air space between the soil blocks. 

  •      The Micro 20 creates twenty blocks of soil for seed germination and transplanting that are each 3/4” x 3/4" x 3/4”. 
  •      It is part of the unique Ladbrooke Micro 20/Mini 4/Maxi “nesting system" of making soil blocks.
  •      Now a standard among many organic gardeners and farmers, soil blockers are an ingenious way to start seeds. Soil blockers compress the growing medium to form blocks that are placed in trays and hold their shape. Seeds are placed directly into the soil blocks. Once plants germinate, the soil blocks can then be placed directly into the soil.
  •      Soil blocks offer an excellent growing method. Soil blocking mix is compressed wet into the soil blocker, then discharged into a tray with the ejection handle. Soil blocking reduces the likelihood of plants becoming rootbound, as the air between the soil blocks air-prunes the roots.
  •      Soil blocking offers an eco-friendly system that eliminates the need for using plastic seed starting trays, and buying, storing and sanitizing plastic pots. Soil blockers make a "pot-less" pot, and can be used for all seeds, and are great to use for cuttings as well.
  •     The Micro 20 is made of zinc-coated steel and the bottom waffle is a durable plastic.  
  •     Made in England for over 60 years, 

Thank you for shopping Patches of Green! We are an authorized reseller of Ladbrooke soil blockers and carry the full line.