This set of 3 weighted tuning forks in the Solfeggio frequencies are made of aluminium and each come with a wooden mallet and chakra labelled natural cotton drawstring pouch.

It is believed that 528Hz is the frequency of love and DNA repair.  Studies in structured water science, electrogenetics, and protein crystallography provide knowledge about how you are built using sacred geometry.  Every carbon-6 hexagon in your body is vibrating with 528 Hz energy.  This fork can be used for DNA revitalisation and repair work, as the 528Hz frequency reminds DNA’s original structure and reshapes it accordingly.  It also can be used to structure water and to reach deep relaxation states as the body's chakras come into balance and harmony.

A 639 Hz frequency is believed to enable us to connect and balance harmonious interpersonal relationships.  This ancient solfeggio frequency enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.

Benefits of 639 Hz frequency include:
• Enables creation of harmonious interpersonal relationships.
• Resolving relationships problems – in family, between partners, friends.
• Can be used to encourage the cell to communicate with their environment.
• Enhances communication, understanding, tolerance and love.
• Associated with the throat chakra.

A 741 Hz frequency is said to enable the solving of problems and awakening intuition. It is said to clean the cells from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. This solfeggio frequency is helpful in leading a healthier, pure and spiritual life.

Benefits of 741 Hz Solfeggio Frequency:
Removes Toxins and detoxifies the cells and organs.
Cleans the body and home, workspace from harmful electromagnetic radiations.
Purifies mind and body.
Promotes expression and solutions.
Associated with the 3rd Eye Chakra.