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Fennel Seeds 100g - 1kg

Fennel Seed has a delicate flavour; light and sweet, similar to anise. Use of fennel has a long history, dating back to the Chinese and Hindus who used it as a cure for snake bites. Fennel was hung over doors in the Middle Ages to ward off evil spirits. Fennel has always been considered an aid to digestion, and many people still drink fennel tea. The seed is often used with fish dishes. It can be used in a curing mix for salmon or bluefish. Some cultures add it to cheese. Good Italian sausage absolutely requires fennel. Ground fennel adds a mysterious element to a marinara or tomato sauce, which will go with any type of pasta

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We started as a small start-up brand from Yorkshire on a mission to bring fantastic chilli products from around the globe to the nation.

After starting out nearly 5 years ago we have grown to become one of the UK's largest chilli produce specialists with individual sales reaching over a 250,00 per year. Now a team of 10, we supply over 500 customers per day. Our sauces have made their way across Europe, to the Middle East and even Russia.

We strive to provide exceptional products, propped up by outstanding customer service.