Original title: KANG RINPOCHE

Country: China
Genres: Drama
Director: Zhang Yang Writer: Yang Zhang
Language: Tibetan
Stars: Tsring Chodron , Tsewang Dolkar , Jiangcuo Seba , Pei Yang, Nyima Zadui, Tsring Chodron, Seba Jiangcuo
Runtime: 115 min
Awards: 5 wins & 8 nominations
AKA: Paths of the Soul (Sweden), Kang rinpoche (China), Kang rinpoche, Sciezki duszy (Poland) Paths of the Soul (United Kingdom), Paths of the Soul, ラサへの歩き方〜祈りの2400km (Japan) Kang rinpoche, 冈仁波齐

There’s never been a road movie quite like PATHS OF THE SOUL, an extraordinary chronicle of ordinary Tibetan citizens undertaking a 1,200-mile pilgrimage to Lhasa.

A group of Tibetan villagers leave their families and homes to make a “bowing pilgrimage” — laying their bodies flat on the ground after every few steps — along the 2,000-kilometre road to Lhasa. During their months on the road, a baby is born, they meet fellow travellers, and their resolve is put to the test by harsh snowstorms and physical fatigue. But no hardship can deter them from their ultimate goal — not even the threat of death, a very real danger in this high altitude where a common cold can take one’s life.