"The definitive source book on acting."-Los Angeles Times

Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Paul Newman, Dustin Hoffman, Dennis Hopper, Robert DeNiro, Marilyn Monroe, and Joanne Woodward-these are only a few of the many actors training in "Method" acting by the great and legendary Lee Strasberg. This revolutionary theory of acting-developed by Stanislavski and continued by Strasberg-has been a major influence on the art of acting in our time. During his last decade, Strasberg devoted himself to a work that would explain once and for all what The Method was and how it worked, as well as telling the story of its development and of the people involved with it. The result is a masterpiece of wisdom and guidance for anyone involved with the theater in any way.

"A must for young actors-for old ones, too, for that matter."-Paul Newman

"An exploration of the creative process that will reward all who are interested in the nature of inspiration."-Library Journal

"An important cultural document."-Booklist

Legendary acting teacher, director, and actor Lee Strasberg co-founded the Group Theatre and was artistic director of the Actors Studio, working with James Dean, Julie Harris, Jane Fonda, and Joanne Woodward, where he was known for teaching method acting, or The Method. In 1969, he established the Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute. He died in 1982.



The Beginning of My Voyage: The Search and the Discovery

Stanislavsky and the Search for His System

The American Laboratory Theatre

The Voyage Continues: I. Discoveries at the Group Theatre

The Voyage Continues: II. The Actors Studio and My Classes

The Fruits of the Voyage: Procedures for the Actor's Training

The Method and Nonrealistic Styles: Artaud, Grotowski, and Brecht

In Conclusion