Liquid animal rennet is an essential ingredient in the cheese-making process. This coagulant, made from the stomach lining of young calves, lambs, or goats, helps to turn milk into curd and is the key to creating the smooth, creamy texture of cheese. When used in cheesemaking, liquid animal rennet works by breaking down the protein structure of the milk, allowing it to separate into curd and whey. The curd is then drained and molded, shaping it into the desired form. The type of rennet used will affect the flavor and texture of the cheese, making it important for cheese makers to choose the right rennet for their desired outcome. Consistency: Unlike traditional rennet, which is often sold in tablet form, liquid animal rennet is easy to measure and distribute evenly in the cheese-making process. This makes it easier for cheese makers to achieve consistent results every time they make cheese. Higher Quality: Liquid Animal Rennet is made from the stomach lining of young animals, which is considered to contain higher levels of rennin, the enzyme responsible for coagulating the milk. This results in a more efficient coagulation process and a higher yield of cheese. Fast-acting: Unlike traditional rennet, which can take several hours to coagulate the milk, liquid animal rennet works quickly, allowing cheese makers to save time and make cheese in a more efficient manner. Cuajo para hacer queso fresco.