Authentic Vintage Alpaca Fur Tapestry Rug from Bolivia Artists

Many years ago my wife and I toured South America in our first Jeep, she purchased this wall hanging during our trip through Bolivia. This was hand made by local artists in a village outside of Achacachi out of quality alpaca fur. All alpaca fur used is from alpacas that have died naturally. This is a wall hanging, I would not use as a floor rug. 

This wall hanging features a shepherd and a couple of alpacas with a beautiful border representing the Andes mountain chain.

Unfortunately, we are downsizing and want to pass this on to someone who can display it and bring the artist honor. 

Its a beautiful piece and in as good of shape as the day we got it! We will ship without the wooden tapestry hanger to save on shipping!

The Alpaca is a gentle, affectionate and beautiful animal. They are also quite valuable, so no Alpaca is ever killed for its pelt alone. There are however, over 2 million alpaca in Bolivia, and a certain percentage of them will perish in the harsh Andes environment each year. Pelts from these animals are harvested and used to make rugs and other home accessories.

Alpaca Fur Rugs are made by hand using a thousand year old tradition. Each Artisan combines the warmth of natural furs with modern techniques to produce a one of a kind, luxury for the home. Whether used as a rug, a bedspread, or a wall hanging, you'll have something that will be in the family for generations.

Individual Alpaca pelts are carefully selected for the color, texture, and the fine natural shadings best suited for the chosen design; then the pelts are cut to fit each design. Attention is paid to the the tones and shadings of the individual fur sections and how they contribute to the final piece.