Model # VLF TRACKER ONE. VLF Receiver Electrostatic Receiver. Listen to Tweeks, Whistlers, Geomagnetic Storms, Global Lightning Flashes.

Immerse yourself in the electromagnetic musical waves Earth and Space makes. This pocket sized VLF Receiver can hear global lightning static, Tweeks, Whistlers, Dawn Chourus, and many other naturally occurring Electrical Waves made by the Earth and near space environment. Receives wide-band in the 100 Hz to 20 KHz range, no tuning needed.

Just connect a 10-foot wire antenna and an earth ground connection. The antenna does not need to be high up, 5 to 10 feet above ground works well as these natural electrical waves are powerful.

Lightning Detector Mode allows it to work as a lightning detector, the "squelch" lets it be silent until it detects lightning, and it will make loud popping static sounds from your audio amplifier's speaker when lightning is up to 75 miles away. Supplied with antenna resistor for using this feature.

Connect the RCA output jack to the mic input or line-level input of any battery powered audio amplifier or audio recorder device.

The best time to listen for the beautiful sounding Tweeks and Whistlers and other strange sounds is from 9 PM to 5 AM local time.

Operates on a 9-volt battery you supply.

This wideband receiver allows you to listen in the super low and very low frequency bands of 100 Hz through 20 kHz. You will hear lightning and natural radio wave emissions from the earth. You should not hear any people talking in this frequency range. the best time to listen is from 9 PM to 5 AM, you need to use this receiver away from powerlines as they create a lot of VLF radio noise and humming. if you're at least 2 miles away from powerlines and you mount an antenna wire about 10 feet above ground, you can hear all kinds of natural radio emissions from Earth at night time. Some are more rare like the Whistlers that sound like a pitch of descending musical tone. You will hear Tweeks and pinging sounds caused by lightning over 300 miles away, they are caused by atmospheric dispersion of the static into slightly musical tones plus the ionosphere cutoff frequency is 1.7 Khz which gives these a ringing sound. If used in the daytime you will hear the dry crackling of lightning flashes up to 1000 miles away. Nightime yields ranges over 8000 miles. The Whistlers whenever heard have travelled several million miles into space and are reflecting back to earth along the earth's magnetic field lines.