Spear & Jackson Bypass Secateurs, Razorsharp Ergo Heavy Duty, Kew Gardens Range

The Kew Gardens Collection: Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and Spear & Jackson's partnership has resulted in a comprehensive range of premium garden tools. Each tool in the range has been carefully developed to exacting standards, with high performance, durability, and user comfort firmly in mind.

Spear & Jackson are proud to support Kew's pivotal role as a world leader in plant science and conservation. Every purchase of a tool from the Spear & Jackson Kew Gardens Collection ensures a valuable contribution toward the continuation of Kew's vital work.

These Bypass action secateurs use a scissor-like action giving a clean cut, ideal for minimising bruising to living or green stems. These secateurs are best suited to live, green stems. All Kew Gardens Razorsharp tools carry a 10-year guarantee.



Package Includes: Spear & Jackson Bypass Secateurs Ergo Heavy Duty Garden Tool