Dried flower with excellent quality.  The product is organic, we are planting this flowers from our seeds.  

Harvest 2022
The dried procedure takes place naturally with maximum a temperature of 35 degrees celcius. This provides to our flowers to keep their esential oil and coulour. Hand Picked and Hand Selected. Bulk Sales.

Weight of each package 500gr

We have more pieces than those it writes, if you need more a specific quantity please ask. 

Tea Preparation:

Boil the water, when reaches the boiling temperature take it out from the hot surface. Then add 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried flowers, cover it for 10 to 15 minutes. 

For Tea / beverage or infusion: for every cup use 5 gr. (1 tsp) of Spearmint in hot water for 10 – 15 minutes.

 Possible medicinal properties: Antispasmodic, tonic and aids digestion, stimulates the digestive system, relieves mouth ulcers, gum disease and tonsillitis. Removes mouth odours, soothing, tones the memory, helps with insomnia and headaches.

 Nutrients: Folic acid, riboflavin, vitamins A, B6 and E, magnesium, iron, copper, potassium, and calcium

 Possible external medicinal uses: Rubbing fresh spearmint leaves on joints and pained areas can relieve pain. Also used against rheumatic pains.

 Used in cooking for flavor and aroma.

 Inappropriate for pregnant women due to menopause-causing properties.

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Fb: ToPervoli
Instagram: topervoli