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Titolo: Grimm Fairy Tales: The Library
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Joe Brusha
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1937068978
EAN: 9781937068974
ISBN: 9781937068974
Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment
Genere: Graphic Novels
Soggetto: Fiction, Fantasy
Data di pubblicazione: 22/05/2012

  • When fourteen-year-old Sela Mathers discovers an ancient magic book in acondemned library, she and her younger brother cast a spell that unlocks theamazing worlds and characters from the books and novels around them. Hercules,Robin Hood, and Pecos Bill all come magically to life! But, heroes aren't theonly characters in stories. Villains, too, are affected by the magic spell andsoon the children find themselves in a race against time to reverse the spell asevil characters from all of literature threaten to take over the world! Theironly chance lies with the heroes they've brought to life. But even that may notbe enough to stop the Frankenstein Monster, Baba Yaga, and the Wicked Witch ofthe West!
  • Grimm Fairy Tales presents an all new mini-series that explores analternate reality of the Grimm Universe.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 254mm
Lunghezza: 165mm
Peso: 227g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2012

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