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The Trilobite is a powerful tool for any bassist. The unit will allow you to switch between two separate instruments,giving each their own gain and EQ settings, great for doublers or players using two different basses on a gig. In addition to the 2 channels you will find a bendable and switchable FX loop for dialing in the perfect balance ofwet/dry signal. A second FX loop is referred to as an Insert Loop and is a series loop (100% effected signal)making it great for volume pedals and compressors etc… There are several signal routing options available withthe 2 studio quality DI outputs, Amp out and Tuner out. Finally, you will find an 1/8 inch AUX input and 1/8Headphone output for silent practicing between gigs. We have gone into detail about each of these many optionsbelow, please familiarize yourself as much as possible to get the most out of what the Trilobite has to offer!


Included with you Trilobite is a 12V 500mA center negative adaptor to be used with the Trilobite. Pedalboardpower supplies may be used as long as they offer the required 12V and 500mA, the Trilobite has a universal powersupply that will accept either center positive or center negative.


The Trilobite is equipped with two channels of our Bullhead preamp that is found in our Bullhead Amplifiers. Thisis a very high quality, low noise preamp. Channel A and B are both 4-Band EQ’s with channel A having the additionof selectable mid frequency for both LOW MID and HIGH MID controls. The Bullhead Preamp features shelvingEQ’s for the BASS and TREBLE controls and variable band pass EQ’s for the LOW MID and HIGH MID.


The Trilobite has two 1/4 inputs and can be used in MONO or DUAL mode by pressing the selector button locatedby the A and B inputs. MONO mode allows for one instrument to be plugged into channel A and then you can switch between the twodifferent EQ’s using the A/B foot-switch to have two different sounds for your single instrument. When the selectorbutton is pressed IN you are in MONO mode.DUAL mode allows you to plug in two instruments, one into Input A and one not Input B and each instrument getstheir own EQ channel. In this setup you can switch between the instruments using the A/B foot-switch. Then theselector button is OUT you are in Dual Mode.

FX Loop: 

The Trilobite has a blend-able and switchable FX loop with the send and return as well as the blend knob locatedon the back of the pedal. The blend functions as a side chain dry volume and is not a wet/dry blender. This allowsyou to pass a dry signal alongside your effected signal to add the low end presence needed that is often takenaway from effect pedals when playing bass. Adding the side chain dry volume will increase the volume of thepedal so you want to be sure to set that level carefully. The side chain volume you add in will be active even whenthe FX loop is switched off, this is to keep your signal from changing drastically when you engage the FX loop viathe FX foot-switch. There is not right or wrong way to use the side chain volume, experiment with your setup andyou pedals to find just the right mix.

Insert Loop: 

The Trilobite has a second FX loop that is labeled the Insert Loop. This is a series FX loop where 100% of yoursignal passes through the loop when a cable is inserted into the return. This is a great place to put global effectslike a compressor or volume pedal where you would want 100% of your signal to hit the unit. NOTE: Since this isan active circuit you need a high impedance volume pedal OR a buffered pedal at the end of this chain to allow a volume pedal to work correctly. 

 DI Out: 

The main DI out on the Trilobite is a high quality, low noise DI that is great for both live and studio applications. This DI features a PRE/POST button as well as a GROUND LIFT button. The PRE/POST button allows you to routeeither a completely PRE-TRILOBITE signal out of the DI or a POST-TRILOBITE signal out of the DI. When you arein the PRE setting the signal coming out of the DI is not affected by the gain, EQ or either FX loops. When thePRE/POST button is out in you are in the PRE setting and when it is pressed in you are in the POST setting. ThePOST setting will allow all the Gain, EQ and FX loop settings to route out the DI.

DI AUX Out: 

There is a second DI out on the Trilobite that is labeled AUX Out. This second DI is set to POST and will pass thefull signal of the Trilobite pedal. This is great for sending a second DI signal to a monitor desk or directly to youron stage In-Ear monitor rig allowing you to have a great tone for your In-Ear mix that you could blend in with theHouse mix that is sent to you from the engineer… more on that later. A second use for this AUX Out would be tohave 2 channels sent to the mixing console, one clean and one dirty. In this case you would use the main DI outputset to PRE and the Aux DI would be your POST signal allowing the engineer to have a completely dry bass signalto mix with the signal coming from the Trilobite.1/8” AUX In and 1/8” HP Out: Next to the power input on the back of the Trilobite you will find an 1/8” Aux in out and and 1/8” Headphone outputthat is great for silent practicing or to monitor yourself on a gig by plugging you in ear monitors directly into theTrilobite. Both the AUX in and HP out are true stereo and make a great practice setup for silent practicing betweengigs or at home. Note that the input gain for the Aux in is set so you will use your device like your computer orMP3 player to control the volume of the source. The Master volume on the Trilobite will act as an outpost valuefor your bass so that you can balance that with the signal of the AUX in.

Amp Out: 

The Amp out is used to send the signal from the Trilobite to your bass amplifier, power amp or powered speaker.

Tuner Out: 

The Tuner out is a great place to connect your tuner to keep it out of your signal path and to allow for you to silent

tune on the gig via the MUTE foot-switch.

A/B Foot-switch: 

The far left foot-switch is the A/B selector foot-switch. This allows you to pick which preamp section, A or B, you want to be active. Note that the Trilobite is a switcher and not a mixer, only one preamp section may be used at once. 

FX Foot-switch: 

The middle foot-switch is the FX foot-switch. This allows you to turn on and off the signal to the FX loop. Note thatwhen the FX loop return has a cable plugged in that the side chain volume is engaged and is active even when theFX foot-switch is turned off.

MUTE Foot-switch: 

The far right foot-switch the MUTE foot-switch. This is a global mute and will mute all outputs except for theTuner Out allowing you to tune silently on stage.

Trilobite Specs

Pre-Amp: Low noise solid state 

Mono/Dual Instrument Inputs: ¼’ Phone with rotary gain control

Input Level Indicator: Signal level and Clip LEDs (green/red)

Channel A EQ: 4 Band with switchable Mid, Shelving Bass and Treble, Low-Mid and Hi–Mid -Variable Gain, 

Band Pass EQ with selectable frequency/bandwidth options

Channel B EQ: 4 Band, Shelving Bass and Treble, Low-Mid and Hi–Mid -Variable Gain, Band Pass EQ

Master Volume: Rotary Control

Channel A/B Footswitch

FX On/OFF Footswitch

Mute Footswitch

Line In: 1/8” mini jack

Headphone Out: Stereo 1/8” mini jack

Tuner Out: ¼” Phone jack

Amp Out: ¼” Phone jack

EFX Loop: Parallel with side-chain dry blend

Insert Loop: Series

Direct Out: 600 Ohm Balanced XLR, Pre/Post, and Ground Lift

AUX Out: 600 Ohm Balanced XLR, Post EQ

Power Supply (Included): Switch-Mode Power Supply, Output 12V (0.5A)

Chassis: Aluminum

Removable Rubber Feet: Adhesive backed

Size: (H x W x D in.) 2.5" Top / 1.5" Bottom x 8.875" x 6", (H x W x D mm) 63.5mm Top / 38mm Bottom x 225.5mm  x 152.5mm

Weight: 1.81 lbs

 WARRANTY: 5 Year Limited Warranty


History of Trickfish Amplification

Trickfish was formed in 2014 by bassist/designer/businessman Richard Ruse, a veteran player who’s logged thousands of studio and stage hours as a professional bassist. He’s also spent over 25 years’ developing market shifting product for SWR Engineering, KRK Systems and JBL Professional while providing leadership at a strategic level for these companies and others. His global experience, dedicated work ethic and commitment to the arts has defined his personal mission of promoting music through technological excellence and treating customers with a deep respect for their support of that product.

“All of my years in music and audio have been dedicated (in part) to the pursuit of truly musical tone; natural, organic… whatever you want to call it, but believable tone that inspires a player or sound engineer to reach inside and reveal their artistic dream. Here’s the thing – when the music sounds good people listen and when people listen, music can change their lives. The biggest lesson I’ve learned in product development is that there’s a delicate marriage between science and art if you want to take something from simply being “good enough” to that goose bump giving, sublime tone that inspires a musician to step it up and really touch people with their playing.”

“When designing and voicing a Pro Audio speaker, the goal is to reveal what the musicians and recording engineers had intended; to make a cymbal sound like a cymbal, or a trumpet like a trumpet. In instrument amplifier design the goal is to translate the experience of playing music through technology that honestly reveals what the musician is doing in that moment. The equipment has to convey the subtlety and nuance, the dynamics and the emotion without adding unnecessary artifacts that trick the player into second guessing their intentions. While developing several of the products on which I’ve worked there were as many hours put in to critical listening as actual engineering. Communicating what is or isn’t happening with the product can be challenging when the engineers haven’t spent years creating and recording music… the frame of reference just isn’t there. As a designer you have to translate art into science. With Trickfish I’ve surrounded myself with other people who not only understand the science of acoustics, structural design, electrical and digital technology, but are also experienced listeners/players who speak a common language and share common goals. We’re like a busy kitchen of passionate, serious chefs who get off on serving extraordinary, truly unforgettable food. I’ve surrounded myself with incredibly talented people whose creativity and drive is manifest in what I consider to be some of the best amplifiers ever built.”

Richard’s friendship and business relationship with world renowned bassist/composer/pianist and designer Mike Pope was a strategic factor in starting this business. “Mike’s rack mount pre-amps have been heralded by bassists worldwide for their purity, simplicity and sheer musicality – his on-board preamps have powered Fodera basses for years. He and his business partner, David Yates (holder of 200+ U.S Patents AND a fine bassist in his own right), joined the team and worked together on the electrical engineering, system design and user interface of the TF Gen 1 heads.

The acoustical team was RR and Systems Engineer Anthony Fregoso, a 15 year veteran of JBL Professional. There is a wealth of skill, experience and science focused at designing and voicing Trickfish cabinets. Our primary design goal was that they deliver the fundamental while speaking clearly and articulately. (Boom – Mic Drop)…… the rest, is history.


The Amp Factory Pty Ltd
