This is a small screwed-on plastic clip that stops the expensive black Fob getting easily separated from the shiny Key and so getting lost. You get two of these, as you should have 2 such keys with your Ioniq 28 or 38 kWh BEV.

When I bought my Ioniq 38 kWh, the dealer handed me the bunch of keys. No sooner had I held the bunch, than one of the black plastic fobs slid off the key, and landed on the floor! It came off again that afternoon while looking at the car while buying it, and again very late that night when back home. Fortunately it wasn't raining & I didn't lose it! The small pin which locks the fob to the key sticks out, and if anything else pushes it in, you're in great danger of losing the fob!

I cannot believe just how bad this design is! Why isn't it the usual fold-out design??? And the bit that gets lost is the one with the custom electronics in, sure to be expensive to replace!

So this plastic guard stops this nonsense. There's no alteration to the key or the fob, and no damage is done, so it's fine to use on hire/PCP cars etc & take it off when you return the car.

There's a paper guide to how to fit this to the key and screw it in place, and a small hexagon key for this. See the last 4 pictures here, will take you about 1 minute to do.

There's more discussion and pictures on the SpeakEV forum on the web.