The Thompson Submachine Gun  by Martin Pegler

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The Thompson submachine gun, or Tommy gun developed an almost iconic status during the early 20th century. It had an unusual beginning, for it was developed during the last days of World War I as a one-man, hand-held machine gun. The war ended before these first prototypes could be shipped to Europe, but when the M1921 Thompson entered production it was used by the criminals working in Chicago and New York. With the police increasingly being outgunned they were forced to equip themselves with the Tommy gun.  Then with the US entry into World War II there was an urgent need to equip the soldiers. Thus giving the Thompson submachine gun a second life as part of the US Army. At the same time It also became the Thompson submachine gun became a weapon of choice for the small band of British commandos as they conducted a number of raids against the heart of occupied Europe.