moltkia petrea aa.jpg


This member of borage family (Boraginaceae) is an exceptionally choice and rare shrublet known from a few mountainous localities of the Balkan Peninsula. First introduced to English gardens about 1840 and treated as a cool-greenhouse plant. It has linear leaves to 5 cm long densely white-hairy beneath and green above. The tubular 2 cm long deep-blue to violet-blue flowers with prominent stamens are produced in late spring and summer contrasting nicely with pink buds. Attractive and very desirable, easy plant for alpine gardens, front of borders or containers. Flowering in first year from sowing.

-Height: 20 cm;

-Flowers: May- August;

-Sow: any time indoors/outdoors; just cover the seeds with soil; germination 14- 21 days at 15- 20 C; if germination does not occur after 3-4 weeks the cooling period of 2-4 weeks is recommended (3- 5 C); outdoor sowing October-April is also very effective;

-Aftercare: full sun and well drained soil; hardy to -30 C; needs protection from winter wet;

-Packet contains: 20 seeds;

Buy as many seeds as you want and pay only one shipping fee.