Archives of general psychiatry. Volume 57, Number 3, March 2000
Autori Vari
American Medical Association
ISSN : 0003-990X
P. 197-300 : ill. ; 28 cm. (104 pagine complessive)

- A 40-Year Perspective on the Prevalence of Depression. The Stirling County Study / Jane M. Murphy ... [et al.]
- A Comparison of Self-report and Clinical Diagnostic Interviews for Depression. Diagnostic Interview Schedule and Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry in the Baltimore Epidemiologic Catchment Area Follow-up / William W. Eaton ... [et al.]
- Community Diagnosis Counts / Darrel A. Regier
- Controversies in Community-Based Psychiatric Epidemiology: Let the Data Speak for Themselves /Dan G. Blazer II; Berton H. Kaplan
- A Comparison of Diagnostic Interviews for Depression in the Stirling County Study: Challenges for Psychiatric Epidemiology / Jane M. Murphy ... [et al.]
- Decreased Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase67 Messenger RNA Expression in a Subset of Prefrontal Cortical γ-Aminobutyric Acid Neurons in Subjects With Schizophrenia / David W. Volk ... [et al.]
- Neuropsychological Change in Early Phase Schizophrenia During 12 Months of Treatment With Olanzapine, Risperidone, or Haloperidol / Scot E. Purdon ... [et al.]   
- Illicit Psychoactive Substance Use, Heavy Use, Abuse, and Dependence in a US Population-Based Sample of Male Twins / Kenneth S. Kendler ... [et al.]
- Attenuation of the Neuropsychiatric Effects of Ketamine With LamotrigineSupport for Hyperglutamatergic Effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Antagonists / Amit Anand ... [et al.]
- A Program for Relapse Prevention in SchizophreniaA Controlled Study / Marvin I. Herz ... [et al.]
- Executive Dysfunction and Long-term Outcomes of Geriatric Depression / George S. Alexopoulos ... [et al.]
- Letters to the Editor

NUOVO (Brossura editoriale)