
天仁茗茶 紅茶系列 Ten Ren MIDORI Darjeeling Tea / Sun Moon Lake Ruby / Ceylon Black Tea

US $:AUD 42.28
Main Desc

Darjelling Tea


Darjelling black tea is grown in northern India at the foothills of the Himalayes. Harvested from mist-shrouded gardens, this tea has a rich taste and complex notes. Perfectly balanced and treasured for its fascinating muscatel flavor. TEN REN Darjeeling offers a full-bodied profile, less astringency, wonderful appearance, floral fruity flavor, and reddish hue. 


Sun Moon Lake Tea


Premium Taiwan Sun Moon Lake Black Tea (Tea # 18) is rare black (red) tea from Central Taiwan (Yuchi, Nantou County). Sun Moon Lake is located in Nantou County in Central Taiwan. It is surrounded by mountains. Average temperature is very stable during the whole year and humidity is very high. These all enable tea leaves grow rich and intense.


Leaves: are golden red-brown, wide, stretched and slightly twisted.This premium Sun Moon Lake Black Tea is packed in metal tin with traditional design.Tea has sweet and light mint taste. By taking a sip of hot tea you feel on your tongue light chill and freshness.


Ceylon Tea


This is one of the best black teas around: traditional tea picking and processing is still used to preserve quality. It is bolder and darker than most Darjeeling black teas, and lighter than a regular Assam. With light golden liquor, these teas are fine, smooth and have delicate floral notes. 



Warm up the tea pot with the boiling water, put about 3 grams of tea, and pour small amount of the boiling water into the tea and pour out.Then pour 225-250 ml of boiling water and cover tea pot for 3-5 minutes before serving.Boiling temperature is 90-95°C (195-

205°F).Steep more for more concentrate and deep taste of the tea.



Why does homemade iced tea sometimes turn cloudy when refrigerated? Is this preventable?

Cloudiness in tea is caused by caffeine and tannins bonding with each other when tea is refrigerated or iced. The hotter the original brewing water the more caffeine and tannins are extracted from the tea leaves, and the murkier the beverage will be.



How do I prevent tea from clouding?

The only way to keep your tea clear is to keep it at room temperature. At room temperature the mini tornadoes never stop spinning enough to release the particles of tea that cause the cloudiness.  Just be sure to drink it all that day because it isn’t safe to keep room temperature iced tea around for long.

Item Spec.
  • Brand:天仁茗茶
  • MPN:Does not apply
  • Product:Tea & Infusion