One Armed Cyborg Construction Worker Home Made Costume.

What is for sale: All the components (pieces) that make up the One Armed, One Eye Cyborg.

All that  is needed: What ever half human half cyborg character, that is desired, clothing to attach the components to. A character that uses a tool belt would be most convenient; since, the included tool belt, is the main support for the arm. But the tool belt can be replaced, with what ever a handy imagination can conceive.

The original full costume, shown on the little boy in main pick, is  everything being sold minus the little boy and some of my old work clothes plus a back pack. The back pack is used to support the back piece / component. The back pack can go over or under the desired clothing top; any back pack that fits the costume wearer, will work.

All other fitted pieces / components (hard hat, tool belt and even the arm itself) are all adjustable.

Sizes adjustable to: Any kid capable of carring the costume, to a full sized adult.

     This was my son's 3rd grade costume; a decade & a half ago. Since then, it has been hanging as sculpture / conversation piece. Till it was decided to clean the dust off and update a few components, so it can have the chance to be some lucky person's costume contest winner again; or maybe just hang on someone's wall somewhere...

     A few quick features:

     The Cyborg's eye lights up red and moves right and left, via a switch located on the cyborg arm. While the eye is in motion,  a white back light, lights up behind the eye.

     On the Cyborg's back piece / component, a 12 inch fan lights up blue and spins. The Cyborg's hard hat with its electric eye, plugs into back piece; along with its arm, both for looks and to connect the controls for the electric eye.

     The Cyborg's chest piece / component, its "power plant", spins along with there being a buzzer, that can be sounded with a push of a button.

     The Cyborg's arm moves (via person power) up, down, in, out and is adjustable, as well as his hard hat and tool belt; the components can be fitted to just about any ones size, that is big enough to carry them.

Feel free to message any questions any time, thank you.