GWYDION'S PLANTING GUIDE - Moon Planting Book and its ANNUAL YEAR SHEET for 2024.

You can start Moon planting at any time of year, and

plan for a lifetime's use with this single volume.

Normal retail pricing: 'Gwydion's Planting Guide' £6.00p,

annual Year Sheets: £1.50p each.

A perfect present for all organic gardeners -

A5 Booklet format with a sturdy, wipe-clean cover for use in the garden -

One book for a lifetime of Moon Planting!

(Recommended in BBC?s Radio 4 'Gardener's Question Time' factsheet when first published in 1994.)

Annual YEAR SHEETS - The package includes our 'make it easy' annual Year Sheet with the year's Moon planting & sowing dates/times, so you can start to sow and plant out to benefit from the Moon's cycles straight away.

Many of our readers send for each year's Year Sheet. These provide the fill-in monthly timetable (as in the 'Guide') for Moon Planting throughout the year, already completed. Expand the pictures above to see some of the details.

The Guide makes a fascinating & useful present for any organic gardener. It will show you how to plan sowing & planting times during each lunar cycle to make use of the Moon's regular environmental cycles of light, groundwater variation and so on for vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruit, trees, arable crops & all other plants.

It describes the genuine original traditional method, by far the most tried and tested system, entirely compatible with all 'bio-dynamic' and other organic gardening regimes - and better than any ad-hoc 'new age' sowing/planting timing methods sometimes given in these regimes without knowledge of the genuine original method of Moon planting, which has its origins in the pre-classical Fertile Crescent, and is noted in ancient texts from those times and later.

Cut a beetroot in half, and you can see the growth rings formed as energy is directed alternately to root storage and upper growth, during each lunar cycle. Nowadays we know both plants and animals have evolved many adaptions to make use of the regular environmental rhythms caused by the Moon. The main variations are of light and groundwater levels (Spring and neap tidal cycles don't only affect oceans, groundwater also rise and falls to a lesser degree, thus average subsoil moisture is greater over full and new Moons) and though the effects are subtle, nature doesn't waste opportunities! Plants such as onions actually grow one leaf and corresponding bulb storage layer during each lunar cycle.

There is only one original Moon planting/sowing method used since ancient times - the 'Guide' was written to help its survival, and describes how to use it for your sowing and transplanting, and why it works.

It explains how the lunar cycle affects germinating and growing plants, so you will understand why the traditional method has been valued across many cultures by generations of gardeners and farmers since ancient times.

You've probably seen other recent and 'new age' methods described - these differ from this original method, instead of millennia of plant growing experience, they tend to be made up around astrology for human natal charts, or from various individuals' new agey ideas, rather than knowledge about plants, agriculture and gardening.

The 'Guide' also has half-monthly sowing and transplanting lists of virtually every vegetable grown in Britain throughout the year, so you can plan your seed buying, with monthly fill-in boxes to enter times of the Moon's phases and so on, and step-by-step directions to plan optimum planting/sowing times for all plants. (With our annual Year Sheets you won't need to do it yourself - and you'll receive the annual Year Sheet with the 'Guide'.)

It includes handy notes on organic pest control, companion & incompatible plants, crop rotation and other details. You'll learn a genuine ancient skill with a scientific basis, sowing & planting to benefit from nature's cycles. It's an absolute bargain for a lifetime's gardening by the Moon.

A5 booklet format, 32 pages, and a moisture resistant card cover, of course for gardeners!

Written and published by J.R. Gower, ISBN 0 9523424 0 5.


Moon Diaries

Moon Calendars

Year Sheets sold separately.