Amoeba Suns : The Subjective Realities of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, Illustrated 

On the back of the book:

     Dimethyltryptamine (N,N-DMT), a 5-HT2A agonist, is arguably one of the most potent hallucinogens known to man, earning it the name "The Spirit Molecule." It is said to produce such profound experiences that they are nearly indescribable. That, what one undergoes while under its influence, can be utterly life-changing. Many liken the event to a near-death experience (NDE), complete with religious significance and interaction with multi-dimensional entities. Other times, it may be an intense, dream-like state, a deep dive into one's own psyche, or a much-needed self-reflection of current standings. No matter the degree, the experiences are reportedly very personal, and seem to be almost catered to the individual. Regarding the aforementioned indescribability, painters, poets, musicians, and artists of all types have historically been the ones to challenge that idea—to express that which cannot be expressed.
      Presented here is a relatively small set of "trip reports" from an anonymous individual as they documented their experiences immediately after each of their DMT-induced hallucinations. Through many intimate interviews, perusing notebooks, and referencing sketches, I did my best to interpret their subjective experiences and resultant visions using a variety of mixed media. Digital freehand, photography, acrylic on canvas, fractal modeling, and clay were employed to replicate these scenes. Ultimately, I wished to translate what was seen into something we might be able to relate to, or maybe even understand. I have amassed a catalog of well over 200 reports from a nearly three-year span of time by this individual. Here is but a fraction of that collection. So now, we invite you to share in these landscapes as you journey through the fantastic pages of this book.



“IMO it’s more like a coffee table book, but on the subject of DMT lol! The color, print and binding are all very high quality. The ‘journeys’ cover mildly fun to terrifying, and everything in between.”

“Beautiful rich color and the art is not so busy that I can’t follow it. Each image is a glimpse into what the trip report is talking about. The interview in the beginning part doesn’t offer much “new information” for veterans to the substance, but it does give plenty of insight on how the author thinks and feels. I can relate to a lot of it.” 

“Have you ever seen those machine elves, jesters or insane worlds? This book is for you! If nothing more than to help explain what DMT is about to those who don’t know. I just hand this to my friends when trying to explain how crazy this molecule is!!”

“Written in away that it feels like I’m right there next to them. I can feel the anxiety and the calm parts like it was me. The visual aids make no mistake on what the traveler is experiencing. I love this book.”