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Titolo: Space Ba$tards Vol. 2
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: The Cost of Doing Business
Autore: Eric Peterson, Darick Robertson, Joe Aubrey
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1643379216
EAN: 9781643379210
ISBN: 9781643379210
Publisher: Humanoids, Inc
Genere: Manga
Data di pubblicazione: 17/03/2022
Description: Superstar artist Darick Robertson (The Boys, Transmetropolitan, Happy!) is joined by acclaimed artists Simon Bisley, Clint Langley, Colin MacNeil, and Gabo for the second pulse-pounding volume, written by Eric Peterson and Joe Aubrey!

In the future, unemployment and job dissatisfaction are sky-high. When you've got nothing left to lose, you join the Intergalactic Postal Service (IPS). Its courier fees are steep—and they go only to whomever ultimately fulfills the delivery, making every run a comically violent free-for-all between the most ruthless mercenaries in the cosmos!

A Space Bastard can be anything—pervert, dope fiend, refugee, drunk, thief, or psychopath—but they don’t care what you call them. They approach their work with a near-criminal appetite for self-destruction. They don’t want to be district manager or employee of the month or a pencil-pusher. A Postal Carrier stays because they’ve found a home, or even a family, in the IPS. Under the volatile leadership of Postmaster General Roy Sharpton, the Bastards are constantly at each other’s throats trying to settle scores and earn big money. And the only thing they hate more than losing out on a delivery is anyone stupid enough to try to end their way of life… or anyone who does them wrong.

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 259mm
Lunghezza: 168mm
Larghezza: 20mm
Peso: 891g
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022

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