Item photo. Show Listing Details page. Listing CAMPANULA THYRSOIDES, YELLOW BELLFLOWER  100 seeds  


This is a very different, rare and beautiful bellflower species. It is native to mountains of south and eastern Europe. The plant forms a rosette of narrow, lance shaped dark green leaves to 12 cm long. In summer erect, bristly and leafy stem appear and bears dense, large, cylindrical yellow to creamy-yellow, fragrant inflorescence to 40 cm long. Single flower is tubular and to 2,5 cm long. This plant is classified as a biennial - it dies after flowering and bearing seed, but usually leaves new plants buds at ground level. Unusual exotic looking addition to the border or alpine garden.

-Height: 50 cm (sometimes more);

-Flowers: July- August;

-Sow: any time indoors; do not cover the seeds just press them into soil; germination 14- 30 days at 10- 15 C; if germination does not occur after 4 weeks, a cooling period (0- 5 C) of 2-3 weeks is recommended.

-Aftercare: full sun and well drained soil; hardy to -30 C;

-Packet contains: 100 seeds;

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