One of the more controversial board games of recent years, especially if you are a fan of techno, house and nightclubs! The game simulates the at times impossible task of trying to get into one of Berlin's most legendary nightclubs (I'm sure you can work out which one) via their notoriously stringent door policy and is lots of fun to play especially if you are a fan of clubbing.

Let's just say the famous nightclub in question were not too happy about the existence of this game and so almost immediately had it BANNED and then went on to sue the Swedish manufacturers of the game, which means that only a very few copies were made of this game those still in the wild are HIGHLY LIMITED and extremely sought after by collectors.

Here's the official blurb:


The line is long and full of guests who desperately want to get in to Bergnein, the techno club infamous around the world for being a temple of hedonistic indulgence. Some say it’s the best club in the world — but to get inside one must first get past the notoriously picky doorman. And this mein freund, is where you come into the picture! As one of the club’s legendary bouncers, it’s your job to foster the right mix. Choose between two game modes depending on if you like it quick and dirty or if an all-nighter is more your thing.

Bergnein is a fast and fun game that mixes strategy and luck, that both non-gamers and game night veterans can enjoy. With mechanics inspired by Guillotine but with a more culturally relevant theme, the game takes place in the line of the world’s perhaps most notorious night club.

Players take turns as the bouncer, letting the right people in and sabotaging their opponents. Guest cards form a line in front of the Bouncer card, and they score between –2 and +5. Players are given Action Cards which manipulate the line order right before letting guests in, which is what makes the game interesting, dynamic – and fun! The player with the best guests (most points) when the line is empty, wins the game.

Bergnein fast and fun queue management game for 2 to 6 players

Berghain, Ze Game.
Dozens of action cards come to disturb the queue.
With its assertive humor and fed by the most common clichés about the club, Bergnein offers a colorful journey in the most select queue in the world. Stoner, clubber, sadomasochist, rocker, punk, hipster, hippie, banker, goths or preppy: each one is worth its weight in points and can trigger different effects. The 50 characters are classified by color: Ze Undesirables, Ze Randoms, Ze Extras, Ze Party Monsters and Ze Gays. A brand new board, 105 laminated cards