Full retranscription :

Vu par nous Président au Tribunal Civil de ...... à Saintes (charante maritiems) pour légalisation de la signature de M. vanderquant Maire de la commune de Floirac apposé ci-contre. Saintes le 16 Octobre 1852 Le président (tampin : Tribunal de grande instance de Saintes (charente -inférieure)

Seen by us President at the Civil Court of ...... in Saintes (charante maritiems) for legalization 
of the signature of Mr. vanderquant Mayor of the municipality of Floirac affixed opposite. Saintes on October 16,
1852 The president (buffer: High Court of Saintes (charente - lower)

shipped from paris (I will combine +50 cents each document)
keep me in favourite because I will have to resale a large manuscript document collection (more than 10 years), in the few month
Don't hesitate asking informations (i'am also speaking french and italian in case)
Stay safe and thank you Olivier