The Heaven Fresh NaturoPure HF300c removes irritant particles and odours from the air for a comfortable living environment.

The NaturoPure HF300c Multi Tech Air Purifier has 6 stages of air purification and incorporates a full size HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter, activated carbon filter, anti-bacterial pre-filter, air ioniser, sanitiser and germicidal UV lamp.

The air ioniser removes allergens, bacteria and chemicals while the Germicidal UV lamp destroys micro-organisms like germs and mould.

The advanced HEPA filter removes 99.7% of airborne particles such as dust and pet dander making it a real must have for those who suffer with allergies, asthma and rhinitis.

Air fresheners and odour neutralising sprays can never completely remove an odour in the air, and what’s more, can be a real irritant for asthma and allergy sufferers. The activated carbon filter in the NaturoPure HF300c removes gases, cooking, and even cigarette smoke whilst the programmable sanitizer neutralises powerful odours.

Heaven Fresh NaturoPure HF300c quietlypurifies the air in rooms up to 46 m² (500 ft²) making your home a healthy place to be.

Has been used 2 years, in excellent working condition. With original box.