Words will likely not do enough justice to this incredible and overwhelming collection of authentic (master) video reels, broadcast tapes and DVDs of the Upbeat show. Despite the shows' fame and recognition, it is nothing but a miracle that a commemorative DVD (series) has never been released.


According to David Spero, most of the original material has been destroyed as the studio (WEWS in Cleveland) simply saw no reason in the expensive upkeep of all the reels. A few video reels however survived and were eventually passed on from the producer Herman Spero to his son David.


Furthermore, David often would bring his 8 millimeter film camera to the set to tape his own home movies. This footage is incredible for the fact that it was filmed while the artist(s) were either rehearsing or simply getting ready for their performance. Several clips show actual performances, filmed from David's unique angle (to the side of the stage). This footage, labeled "Home Movies" is truly unique and has never before been released.


Whereas the collection in this auction lot is by no means complete, it is arguably the finest collection of filmed material ever made publicly available. Included 

U-Matic UCA broadcast videos, labeled "Home Videos 2 with the following artists:

Frank Zappa, Canned heat, American Breed, Gary Pucket, Mitch Rider,  and from the Shaefer Music festival Beegees, Al Kooper and many other artists. 

Home Movies do not have sound but there is background music Dave spero put on the tape's soundtrack. 

DVD or USB stick with all footage given to me on DVD's from this tape and others.