Organic Dried Hibiscus Flowers for a Healthy Pretty Tea. For the Herbal Apothecary. Bulk 1 ounce Herb. FREE SHIPPING! Hibiscus grown in the USA!.

Ah, hibiscus! The vibrant and enchanting flower that adds a splash of color to gardens and landscapes. Did you know that hibiscus is not just beautiful but also has several culinary and medicinal uses? It's commonly brewed into a refreshing herbal tea known for its tart flavor and deep red hue. Plus, it's packed with antioxidants and vitamins, making it not only delicious but also potentially beneficial for health. And let's not forget its role in various cultural traditions and symbolism around the world. From tropical regions to temperate climates, the hibiscus is truly a beloved botanical gem.

According to they say:
Hibiscus is used for 
treating loss of appetite
heart and nerve diseases
upper respiratory tract 
pain and swelling (inflammation)
fluid retention 
stomach irritation
disorders of circulation
dissolving phlegm
as a gentle laxative
and as a diuretic to increase urine output.

Check out the other botanicals!  
We have a rich collection of medicinal herbs all organically grown with high standards of excellence!

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Hibiscus Flower, Hibiscus Flowers, Hibiscus Flower tea, Hibiscus Uses, Hibiscus Benefits.