Item photo. Show Listing Details page. Listing IMPATIENS BALSAMINA "RAJAH'S GEM VIOLET", ROSE BALSAM 20 seeds


It is a sparsely-branched tropical annual native to eastern India and south-east Asia. It has decorative lanceolate, serrated leaves to 12 cm long alternately arranged along succulent reddish or green stems. “Rajah's Gem” posses very showy, large, double flowers 6 cm across produced in stalkless clusters in leaf axils. Although garden balsam was an old garden favorite since at least Victorian times, it has eclipsed in popularity in recent years by its close relative, the flat-flowered Impatiens walleriana. Fortunately, after years of oblivion, it returns to gardens as an unusual, tropical addition to flower beds and borders. It looks great in pots and containers where it can be grown even as an annual bonsai. For better bushy habit is recommended pinching stems of young plants when they reach about 10 cm tall. This variety is easy to grow, tolerant of short periods of drought and with proper light, fertile well drained soil thrives well in any garden. Flowers in 10- 12 weeks after sowing

-Height: 60 cm;

-Flowers: June- October;

-Sow: spring indoors; just cover the seeds with soil; germination 7-14 days at 20 C;

-Aftercare: full sun to part shade and well drained soil; water well in dry periods;

-Packet contains: 20 seeds;

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